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    The first phase of the project

    Alongside the mentioned course, in order to create external and internal spaces, the design of the first phase of architecture begins. This is the most significant part of an architectural office. At this stage, we strive for designing all the spaces with a common spirit.

    The design of each section of the project starts separately with manual sketches and after several times of revisions, is made and reviewed in three-dimensional space. This process will endure until the final design fully satisfies the architectural team.

    We have to coordinate all the technical issues of architecture with all the other engineering teams, including structures, electrical and mechanical installations. Controlling all these coordination with holding multiple meetings, will minimize the discrepancies between the designs presented by these teams and the final design of the architecture project.

    Our job is to design sustainable, beautiful, and practical buildings and spaces, rooted in the art of architectural innovation and engineering principles. Our team proudly maintains its unique architectural style while consistently pursuing the most innovative and creative ideas.